Common Field Case Management Services
Find a list of common field case management services and their definitions outlined below.
Medical Tasks | Medical Management (No RTW) | RTW Tasks | Job Analysis/Physical Demands Analysis | Identification of Transitional Duty | Catastrophic Case Management | Crisis Response | Life Care Planning | Medical Cost Projections | Legal/Liability Nurse Review | Ergonomic Services | Alternative Transitional Duty | Vocational Assessment | Labor Market Survey | Transferable Skill Analysis | Job Goal Development | Job-Seeking Skills Training | Job Placement | Earning Capacity Assessment
Medical and Return-to-Work Services
Medical Tasks
Limited assignments typically involve one or two provider visits or provider/injured employee visits to address medical status. Examples: confirm a treatment plan, address RTW, clarify a diagnosis.
Medical Management (No RTW)
The focus is on addressing medical concerns or coordinating medical care. Example: medical-only claim or claim is settled with lifetime medicals.
RTW Tasks
RTW tasks typically involve collaborating with the employer of record to access job requirements and opportunity for job modification and these tasks are defined below in job analysis/physical demands analysis and transitional duty.
Job Analysis/Physical Demands Analysis
Physical demands analysis (PDA) provides a biomechanical description of the essential functions of a job and the physical demands required to perform them. A PDA is the cornerstone of determining causation, medical treatment plans, return to work and accommodation.
Identification of Transitional Duty
Case managers work to identify a transitional work assignment while the injured or ill employee works to be released to full return to work.
Specialty Services
Catastrophic Case Management
A highly specialized solution to help deal with life-altering workplace injuries. Case managers help individuals receive the care needed to optimize both their medical and functional ability to mitigate the financial risk associated with these high-dollar claims.
Crisis Response
Crisis response helps employers and payers support the victims and witnesses of traumatic workplace incidents, including robberies, assaults, deaths, severe injuries, and natural disasters.
Life Care Planning
An analytical method that estimates medical damages resulting from an injury or illness and provides a comprehensive outline of current and future medical, vocational, educational, and psychosocial needs of a chronically or catastrophically ill or injured individual. Life care planning addresses life expectancy.
Medical Cost Projections
Sets reserves for an injury and addresses future medical, prescription drug, and DME needs for a defined segment of time from one year to lifetime expectancy. All medical cost projections include a medical record review and summary, a comprehensive report, a narrative, a cost analysis worksheet and limited cost projection and quick costs.
Legal/Liability Nurse Review
A legal/liability nurse review is the application of nursing education and experience in conjunction with legal/liability standards in the evaluation and critical analysis of claims. Consequent to review and analysis of records, the legal/liability nurse formulates and communicates an evidence-based opinion. The resultant opinion, as well as the foundation for that opinion, is communicated to the client through a standardized report.
Ergonomic Services
Ergonomic assessments provide a workstation analysis for the physical demands of a position, for preventive and case-specific situations. Reports include risk factors and recommendations to reduce risk factors.
Alternative Transitional Duty
When an employer is unable to accommodate temporary work restrictions, alternative transitional duty is an ideal solution that places the injured employee with a nonprofit organization. This program provides a solution to reduce disability costs by helping the injured employee return to a work routine during their recovery.
Vocational Services
Vocational Assessment
Evaluates an individual's vocational potential based on physical capacities; assessed motivation; education and skills and the local labor market.
Labor Market Survey
Provides RTW goal that exists in local labor market.
Transferable Skills Analysis
Documents wage earning potential and confirms vocational goals that match the employee’s skills, training and physical capabilities.
Job Goal Development
Case manager works with the injured or ill employee to provide assistance with developing job goals.
Job-Seeking Skills Training
Case managers provide job-seeking skills training.
Job Placement
Provided for patients with transferable skills and is a collaborative effort between the injured or ill individual and case manager to provide assistance with: job seeking skills, resume preparation, interviewing, job development and follow up to ensure successful placement.
Earning Capacity Assessment
Works to document wage earning potential.