From the Heart
Meet the Heart of Case Management
You want the best, most experienced case manager working your claims. But case management isn’t one-size-fits-all — it’s a big-picture approach involving experienced professionals with strong clinical backgrounds, who utilize tools such as evidence-based guidelines, but also employ empathy and compassion to help injured employees achieve maximum medical improvement or return-to-work.
From the Heart highlights stories where the case manager not only resolved the claim, but actively worked to improve the life of the injured worker. The stories featured here are our Heart of Case Management Award winners and nominees, which is Genex’s highest award for case management excellence. These cases are truly inspirational and demonstrate how our case managers change lives every day by helping injured workers return to their jobs safely and efficiently.
Home Team Advantage
Meet Theresa Martin, RN, BSN, CCM Theresa Martin, RN, BSN, CCM, is a second-career nurse case manager who worked as a flight attendant for several years before earning her nursing degree
Man Down, but Not for Long
Meet Carrie McCullin, RN, CCM Carrie McCullin has more than a decade of case management experience at Genex Services, and has been an RN for more than 25 years.
Rising from the Fall
Meet Carolyn Lau, MBA, RN, CCM Carolyn Lau is a seasoned catastrophic case manager who has successfully managed numerous complex cases over the past 30 years.
Experience Saves a Life & a Career
Meet Deborah Buckley, RN, BS A case manager for 25 years, Deborah Buckley, RN, BS, continually demonstrates her innate ability to address the total impact of illness and injury including
From Tragedy to Triumph
Meet Charlene Ramsey, RN, BSN, CCM When Charlene Ramsey, RN, BSN, CCM, is assigned to a case, injured employees are getting one of the industry’s most experienced and exceptional case man
Early Arrival to Function
Meet Sara Fleming, RN, CCM Sara Fleming’s extensive nursing career started in Great Britain and she has since earned licensure in three countries. She now calls the U.S.
Shouldering Responsibility
Meet Julie Wilcox, RN, MSN, BSN, CRNA Julie Wilcox, RN, MSN, BSN, CRNA, is a field case manager with an extensive three-decade career in nursing which includes pediatrics, obstetrics and