Continuing Education
Push your professional development forward with complimentary webinars designed especially for Adjusters and Nurses.
Navigating Home Health Services
In this webinar, we will educate adjusters and claims professionals on the various types of services provided in-home, the benefits of home health care and the challenges and distinctions between l
Ethics – How Personal Perspectives Can Shape Ethical Decisions
This session will help attendees build a foundation for positive and consistent ethical decision making and how to assess self-performance.
Cost Projections Services and Legal/Liability Nurse Reviews
This presentation will delve into the definition, utilization, and value of these services, case studies and best practices.
Chronic Pain Therapies [Recording]
Pain management is often the most difficult obstacle in progressing toward return to work.
Best Practices in Workers' Compensation Utilization Review
This course aims to help claims professionals and clinical staff navigate these jurisdictional complexities by focusing on developing a better understanding of preauthorization requirements, drug f
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Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work Tools for Claims Handlers
This course will discuss the most effective tools available for claims professionals to facilitate stay-at-work/return-to-work and assist employers with implementing a culture of return to work.